Dealing with Small Spaces? Trunks do it all!!

Diposting oleh Miras Jogja on Jumat, 16 Desember 2011

Sometimes we find some old treasures in our locked garage or may be on a loft above some store you remember exploring something like that? And there...boom...we find a mysterious storage trunk!!! Whether you have this fond memory or not… there always has been and always will be a wonderful mystery and comforting feeling surrounding trunks!

A trunk is flexible enough to correspond well with any home décor, whether you prefer antique and classic or contemporary and modern. Obviously, you can use a storage trunk for storage… and there are many things you can do here. But in small homes, apartments, or dorm rooms you can use it as a decorative end table or coffee table.

Trunks in a Living Space

A decorative trunk can be used as a side table to place a lamp, coasters, and a book on beside your favorite chair. You can also store out of season items inside, such as curtains, blankets and sheets, or holiday decorations. When used as a table, a storage trunk gives you a quick and convenient access to storage without sacrificing style.

Or, you can also use a decorative trunk as a coffee table. You can store items that are used while entertaining guest such as board games, table runners, etc. This brings style and offers functionality.

Storage Trunk in the Bedroom

The best way to save space, make it look different and have a good amount of utility, make your trunk a stylish side table. If you drink water at night, be sure to place your glass on a coaster so you don’t cause any damage. Inside, you can store out of season clothing which are sorted out just once in a while.

Trunks for Gazing & Relaxing..

A storage trunk can be used as a rustic style seating bench by a window, perhaps covered with antique dolls and stuffed animals to provide a comforting appeal. It can be placed in your spare room or a study where activities like reading take place.

The Hidden Bar

Get that decorative box on casters and have a mobile bar anywhere in the house! In case you do not like to have your liquor displayed, a wine trunk or a mini bar serves best!

All that mess my child makes!

A pretty little trunk can be made to hide pictures, books, board games, or toys and stuffed animals for the kids. In one of my projects, I made a pretty colourful trunk with locking casters which could not only be used as storage but also served as a bench or a chair. It slid perfectly under the study table, consuming absolutely no floor space.
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GO GREEN with GoodHomes

Diposting oleh Miras Jogja on Minggu, 11 Desember 2011

I just love GoodHomes magazine! They seriously emphasize enormously on going green, environment, re-use, etc! I thought it was very nice of them to have people participate in contests which in some way spreads the word of saving our Earth in a small way.

So my friends, here goes their little play -

GO GREEN with GoodHomes Contest! (10th - 16th December)

Ronitaa Italia-Dhanu, the Editor of GoodHomes magazine shares a video of a Green Christmas!

Take inspiration and GO GREEN in your Home! Share a picture of a Green Christmas decor setting done by you in your Home. 1 lucky winner with the best setting will win goodies from GoodHomes!
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Travel, Inspiration & Art

Diposting oleh Miras Jogja on Jumat, 18 November 2011

A lot of times, I go clicking pictures of different things like fruits, a scene at a bus stand, or a shoe display...etc. Its incredible how many pictures I have of things which seem irrelevant and pointless! But for me, they are a constant source of inspiration. I have over 1000 pictures just randomly clicked, all intending to flood me with ideas. My post this month is about these photos and its implementation into my work, so far.

Persia comes to my Door Step

From the Land of the Turks came my little inspiration of a beautiful dresser I made for my friend. Most mosques in Turkey had these ornate taps in their courtyards which encourage people to wash their feet and then enter this religious place, clean and pure.

This old and ancient tap inspired me to make her dresser. If you notice, you will see the similarity in the shape and the ornateness in the design. The rich golden yellows and deep blues reminds me of my wonderful trip to the land of the Sultans.

A midst the Himalayas

A midst the Himalayas is this little state of Sikkim, heavily influenced by the Tibetan culture. I call it the spiritual, lost little paradise. Its simply gorgeous! I was so touched by how beautiful it is that I decided to use it in one of the most popular items I make, yes, a mirror!

The script on the mirror says "Tashi Delek" meaning May Good Luck come to You in Bhutia language. One of the most beautiful prayer rollers in the Rumtek monastery inspired me to make this piece!

The Zanzibar Islands in Africa

I was shocked to see the overwhelming intricate doors on all the houses in Zanzibar! I had to use it...the idea, the design! It came popping in into another deep green mirror I made, I call it Peacock Plumage!

Balloons of Cappadocia

Going back to central Turkey, I had this wonderful experience of sailing through morning skies in a hot air balloon. The view from the top was like a wonderland. A wonderland which I tried creating for a children's room and on multi-functional trunk I call the Balloooooni Balloon Trunk, made to store toys and use it as a chair while studying.

Jaatt Riksy after Whisky!

You might be wondering whats wrong with my title??!! Well the core of our country, the everyday scene which we hardly notice was brought on to my work. I have seen so many varieties of trucks, lorries or semi as they call in the USA but I have never seen one as decorated, colourful and funny, anywhere else in the world besides India. I always wanted to use all the gaudy designs and funny wordings! Hence Jaatt Riksy after Whisky!

Its all about Lights!

Going back to my Turkey trip, all over, everywhere were these dazzling lights hung from the ceiling. There were times when some of us has to duck down to avoid bumping against them. The warmth created by them was so kindling and cozy. I used it in one of my projects. It made the room look, warm and inviting.

The Fall Colours!

When I look at the trees during fall, a strange feeling of content and peace comes over me. The colours look so bright, warm that the rising cold feels so insignificant. During my stay in the USA, this beautiful patchwork was done by a very dear family member of mine. Its took effort, love and a lot of imagination to create it!

The Turkish Cat Story

I am still not sure about cats from Turkey. They are all over, everywhere, on the roof, in the meadows....on the chair!! I wanted to pet them all, cuddle them all!! I saw a beautiful, fluffy one sitting on a chair...that concluded it all. I recycled a used paint drum with pretty little cats on it and converted it into a stool.

Well...I think I can go on...and I know I have to stop! I would love to hear stories from you...little things that inspired you to create something. Please write to me about anything that motivated you, and made you build something...very close to your heart!
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GoodHomes & Fab India Re-Use aftermath....

Diposting oleh Miras Jogja on Senin, 10 Oktober 2011

I am sorry for not really writing about the aftermath of "The Re-use Workshop by Good Homes". Well I thought I should not leave anything incomplete. So here are some pictures and a little note of the happenings that followed...

Event was conducted by GoodHomes editor Ronitaa Italia-Dhanu were in she took the participants through different vignettes where we highlighted the whole ‘recycle and reuse' aspects of decor. The whole point in doing this brand building exercise was to establish GoodHomes as “decor expert” and encourage interaction with readers.

Conducted on Sept 23rd at the Kalaghoda store of Fabindia, 48 walk-ins enjoyed the "REVAMP" theme of the workshop, which meant utilize existing material which are available at homes and recreate things at home without changing the original format.

The workshop also ended with bright ideas and participation from participants. BBC GoodHomes also had a little contest with where 5 best reuse ideas won little gift baskets. Overall I think it is a very cool initiative taken by Good Homes to make all of us realize how waste or unwanted things can make a a whole lot of difference!
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I am going crazy with Re-using!

Diposting oleh Miras Jogja on Jumat, 09 September 2011

Yes yes yes...I am going crazy with re-using and re-furbishing!! My carpenters think I have lost my mind because I want to re-use everything! Let me start by showing you all things I re-used and refurbished and yet made them all look pretty and completely usable!

I call it "Colour Recycled"

Well this is one piece of mirror that looked different and was sold off in a jiffy! Every time my carpenter scrapped off wood shavings, I wanted to use them. But of course, I couldn't use it anywhere and everywhere keeping its fragility in mind, hence I decided to use them on this mirror.

Time for my Sunflower Cats & Barrel Chairs

I had some paint barrels lying around in my workshop. I wanted to do something with them desperately since they were sturdy and would take good amount of weight. Voila, they became colourful, vibrant and strong stools!

Old is Gold

Yes...indeed...old is gold....While I was re-modelling my friend Maithily's home, I discovered the treasures she had. They were just lying around and accumulating dust. She was aware but had no idea what to do with it! An old-fashioned chair rested in a corner of her room which was more or less used as an extra seating. Another little piece of treasure, a stationary teak wood trunk was kept under a TV set. I grabbed them both, refurbished every bit, upholstered the chair, and made them a focal point of the remodeled room!

Beady Wines

I have this little wine rack in a corner of my kitchen where I store the never ending supply of my wine bottles. I just love the way they look when they are racked. Since this one was in the corner for a long time and I had started getting bored of it and was wondering how I could make it look a little different and fresh, I decided to bead it! I had a broken junky necklace which came to my help...I beaded the little rack and now it looks gorgeous! I couldn't even let my junk jewelry go!

Tick Tock goes my Clock!

Some extra pieces of well cut round ply sat occupying some space in my, I decided to make some clocks....hand-painted and with lots of craft and beads on them. I have chosen the best ones from my collection :).

How can I forget fabric?

My grandmother had a lot of embroidery rings and pieces of patterned fabrics that she salvaged from the pretty little things she made for us. One day, she got her old trunk out and was asking our maid to take or dispose them off. could I let it came on in the form of wall art and a curtain in 2 of my remodeling projects - Eatmosphere & Balloooooni Balloon Doctors Clinic!

This month the mania of re-using got instigated because of Good Homes who are conducting their workshop called 'Re-Use' this month in Mumbai on Sept 23rd at Fabindia. Lately the fad of re-using is in the air. I not only try to re-use, re-cycle and re-furbish but also, encourage my clients and friends to do their bit.
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The Re-use Workshop by Good Homes

Diposting oleh Miras Jogja on Rabu, 31 Agustus 2011

Re-use, Be Green, Recycle....all these terms have been heard of, almost everyday. We have old sarees or some tins and jars or a whole lot of things in our house which goes straight to garbage cans. Have we once thought of what can be done with it? How can it be re-used? Yes, all of it can be!! And if you want to know how, join us at Fab India on Sept 23rd in Mumbai.

Good Homes - my favorite decor magazine in association with Fab India is conducting a workshop on 23rd Sept in Mumbai to unveil various creative techniques to "Re-use".

I strongly believe that "Re-use Materials" should be a part of everyone's lifestyle. How cool would it be to see your old shirt / Saree as a beautiful pillow cover? I think it is a very cool initiative taken by Good Homes to make all of realize how waste or unwanted things can make a difference and be a part of your decor!

I am really looking forward to this workshop, come along and make a small change.....
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Doctors Office gets a Makeover - Ballooooonni Balloon Library & Children's Work Space!

Diposting oleh Miras Jogja on Jumat, 05 Agustus 2011

My doctor client now has a consulting room, a waiting area, a small reception and a pretty little library with loads of goodies and space for toddlers to teenagers. When I met her, she was in great dilemma, she has a lot of books, little therapy sessions for kids and young patients, so how could she accommodate all this in her spare area? The room needed to look cute, bright, cheerful on one hand and on the other, demanded space for her books and work area for children. So here it goes.....

A central view of the room, a wash basin, a nice display of children's work on a push pin board and a study on the side.

I thought of displaying children's inspirational handy-work on the central wall of the room. It made the room very warm and welcoming.

Making the room comfortable to sit and work was also important. In case of sessions, a spare examination bed was essential. Hence we gave it enough storage for books underneath and threw pillows to make it warm and inviting.

So far, the view of the library has been hidden. Ardent readers often have problems, they can't resist buying books and then, there is no place to stack them. Small open & closed shelving was made to display some interesting books and the stack the other reference books below them.

However, a desk, toy trunk and toys were important ingredients of this space. Yet everything needed to be compact and comfortable.

A Ballooooonni Trunk was made with a fluffy foam seating, with ample space which serves well as a bench for the table and fits perfectly under it, saving space and making it compact. A lot of people asked me if the cushion came off the trunk while opening it. The answer to this is no, it is completely removable with a removable cover as well and yet attached well to the trunk top.

The biggest highlight of the room were the Balloooonnni balloons on the wall. The light blue wall with a variety of air balloons painted on it made the room look colourful and alluring for not only kids but even adults.

I even thought of making a frilly light curtain to cover a small window. It did wonders to the wall and to the face of the entire room.

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What Media Says...Mumbai Midday Burst!!

Diposting oleh Miras Jogja on Minggu, 24 Juli 2011

A surprise just stepped at my door when Soma Das from Midday Mumbai called me last week to tell me that she intends to feature me! Wow...coverage in Mumbai is something I'd not really thought about! I was happy with The lovely stores of Bliss and Tribal Route who give me publicity and sell my products with love and appreciation! Soma Das did see some of my work at the Carnival at Bliss and decided to write-up about my work. Thank you Soma, thank you very much!!

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This Week in Venture Capital w/ Jim Robinson of RRE Ventures

Diposting oleh Miras Jogja on Sabtu, 16 Juli 2011

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The New Opinion-Shapers

Diposting oleh Miras Jogja on Minggu, 10 Juli 2011

There is no question that the business of news, and the experience of consuming it, has been irrevocably altered by the internet and the pervasiveness of real-time information channels. As with any transformative wave, structural changes that enable new opportunities dictate new norms and institutions be built for society to benefit from these civic tools. Real-time news is no exception. As one of a few critical enablers of a well-functioning information-delivery topology, it’s worth considering how we interact with news today, and how our perspectives are directly shaped by this interaction.

A bit of history: Before newspapers were broadly available, societies relied on word-of-mouth to transfer news, beliefs, opinions, and in general, all forms of social commentary. Word spread slowly and information was often completely asymmetrical; those conveying the information selectively released whatever furthered their cause.

That was bad, and public-facing transparency (i.e. what really happened) was often quite poor.

Gutenberg began fixing this problem back in the 15th Century — for the first time information was available to more than just select scholars and royalty (albeit far from all). With the rise of more widely available media in the 1800s, people found themselves with the capacity to access news on a regional — then once the telegraph hit — hyper-regional level.

Still, strong bias persisted. A modern observer looking back at the newspaper business at the turn of the last century would be staggered by the heterogeneity of options available (see post for a discussion on number of NY-based newspapers in 1800), and the shocking (even by today’s standards) magnitude of slant taken by virtually all of them.

Through all of history, news outlets have catered to self-selecting groups to reinforce beliefs. The now widely-accepted journalistic credo of unbiased or objective reporting was an antibiotic response to this tendency of news-media owners and editors to shape opinion not just through the op-ed (itself a nod to separation of 'church and state') but as a way of giving people what they wanted: the ability to form their own opinions based on whatever facts they could harvest.

This same dilemma manifested again at the advent of radio, and on into television, with its unique ability to deliver ‘seeing is believing / video doesn't lie’ (actually it often does) experiences far beyond the ‘picture worth a thousand words’ or ‘voice of authority’ characteristics of either prior medium.

In restrictive regimes this powerful communications medium was - and frequently still is - used to benefit the few. Such is life. In essence, to use a technological example, we went from a terribly inefficient version of node-powered information-delivery (i.e. people talking) into centralized, authoritarian-by-proxy opinion generators… The master-servers telling the nodes what to believe.

The internet changed all of this. Borrowing from its client-server architecture, it flipped the model back by restoring substantial power in the form of inputs to the edge. But both latency and trusted contributors remained problematic.

Today however, news audiences can now manufacture the news, or play a substantial role in shaping its contours and velocity. (Reminds me of Thomas Friedman’s quote about blogging being the equivalent of firing off mortar rounds into the Milky Way Galaxy. Then again, he also said “bang bang = tweet tweet”).

We blog, we post to Facebook, we send tweets of the things we see, hear and think. The near-zero variable costs of content production mean that every client is now a server—we are all creators of news once again (this time broadcast-enabled). Every year we rely less on centralized sources, even those presumably trusted to be dispassionate reporters of fact. For example, Out of the 500 million or so observed net-based videos last month, something like ten million were from the traditional networks. Just two percent.

Thus, we find ourselves back to the future; a world where reasonably complete information (certainly by any historical measure) may be known - and transmitted - essentially real-time. Which is great.  Arab Spring is a shining, positive current-day example. This simply could not have happened even five years ago. (Did you know some colleges now offer majors in Liberation Technologies?). Of course, we still wrestle with what I would call ‘mid-casters’ like Fox News who overtly shape opinion (from their perspective as their own antibiotic response to a perceived liberal media).

[Side note: I'm with Jon Stewart on this one… Mainstream media may have some liberal bias no doubt forged in part by living relatively low-paying, hard-working lives often covering rulers of whatever empires appear in their field of vision. But their actual coverage, while attempting to remain true to fairness in reporting, is driven more by sensation-seeking (i.e. drives viewership which drives in-newsroom reward systems) and laziness (i.e. 'why bother no one really cares about details anyway' cynicism)—but not policy-driven. This is not to suggest there exist no liberal commentators, but mainstream media in relatively free societies generally make an attempt at balance. A gift for viewership… Who can then arrive at their own informed opinions.]

Predator? Prey? Seed Eater? Yes.

Which brings me to twitter (and its clones, cousins, neighbors, etc.)… What a wonderful, powerful, useful, informative, exhilarating (insert other superlative here) international treasure. A gift for humanity. Will it ever really make money? Beats me. To some extent I hope not beyond covering costs, given the propensity for money-distortion effects. I don't want sponsored tweets --I want facts, opinions and coverage -- I can sort out the bodies myself (with my own biases, of course—just like you :).

 Can making money tip the scales on what we hear?

But ultimately twitter and other edge-generated news sources require us to reconsider our mores around news and how it’s being broadcast, and how our societal dialogs get shaped by the ways in which information is transmitted to us (and by us). The sheer velocity of transmission and our own cranial limitations at processing even small parts of the terrain means we nodes latch onto the bits we see, tend to retain those already in sync with our mindset, and then re-trumpet — all with little reflection precisely because of the rapid nature of the medium. This is one of the downsides of a more symmetrical, very high-speed information-delivery system.

And it's a doozy. The court of public opinion now fosters near-instantaneous condemnation, polarization and, as I like to refer to it, Opinion-Shaping. Facts be damned. Did he do it? Internet Magic 8-ball of your choice says… Yes. Thus, it must be so. Next.

This is a problem. A big one. Along with node-powered content-generation come a series of responsibilities, not just on the part of the authors - who will always bring their respective biases (intentional or otherwise) to the table - but on the part of all of us, the creator-consumers. While encumbered with our own bias, we must preserve constructs like benefit of the doubt, innocent until proven guilty, two sides to every story (insert clichè of choice here) or we damn ourselves to sheep-like acceptance of someone else's (often so well-crafted as to appear entirely 'uncrafted') view, and move on without a second thought. This is especially important now that we are all broadcasters.

In the end, the ability to choose our news sources and curate news for those who happen to listen to us means that all of us must exercise a measure of critical thought that was perhaps less necessary in an era where people could rely on Walter Cronkite (or the local equivalent) to curate information. With atomized, real-time news that often hasn’t been adequately fact-checked and is frequently produced or delivered by anonymous sources whose biases we have no real means of ascertaining, the need for filtering and some yet-to-be developed tools or norms is critical.

Do you see two pricks, or just one?

To wit… Did DSK, the French guy from the IMF, do the bad thing? I don't know. But most believed it—and knew about it—ten minutes after he was hauled off that plane. And not just because it was plausible and has certainly happened time and again somewhere, but because the memes from the net said it was so IN THIS CASE. Sounds like maybe we all got it wrong. And what of Casey Anthony?  What do we really know, versus what many (most?) chose to immediately believe?  Hey, if they're guilty, I stand ready with torch and pitchfork; but if we can't trust either the message or the medium, what do we have?

Sometimes we get it right—Anthony Weiner comes to mind—but here, too, opinions were already shaped on both sides (well, mostly one :) by enormous numbers of people around the world long before the actual facts were, um, exposed.

                                      Does This.....                    Plus This.....                       Equal This?

The great thing about this node-powered medium is that the mere threat of exposure can, and does, change behavior, mostly for the better. The inherent danger though, is we need to self-regulate, or the overflowing buffers that are our brains will snap-judge and move on as a defense mechanism against too much unceasing stimuli. We cannot read everything about everything; no one has that kind of time. Though I’m not sure the solution lies in applications that allow you to take any written exercise - no matter the density - and distill it down to a few hundred characters. Here's a state-of-the-art example of this entire post compressed into one tweet-sized morsel via Trimit...

)… What a 1derful, powerful, useful, informative, exhilarating (insert superlative here) international treasure ...(

Then again, maybe it does.

I guess it kind of goes back to Siddhartha… if we don't listen to the river, we can miss what's actually important.

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